My name is Gabor Horvath and I’m a collage artist based in Scotland. I create my work from recycled magazines and paper (through some of my recent commissions I am experimenting with new mediums and techniques such as spray paint, stencil, and mixed media). I use the colours, the patterns and the images of the magazine to build up my pictures. It’s fascinating how to turn people's throwaways into unique, valuable objects. It is a great way to explore your creativity in a closed environment as you cannot choose the materials you work with, you have to adapt to what the papers give you. Very time-consuming process not only to cut and glue but to go through hundreds of magazines to find the right amount of colours or just the perfect small image which could connect the piece. You can see the whole picture from a distance but if you get closer once and you spend a bit of time you start noticing the hidden images and messages and story lines. The picture just becomes so much more and you feel that you are part of that jigsaw.
Happy puzzling!"